
Indonesia’s IP Odyssey: Tackling Counterfeiters on Indonesian E-Commerce Sites

According to the Priority Watch List (PWL) 2023 report, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) still places Indonesia, Argentina, Chile, India, Russia, China, and Venezuela on an investment blocklist because it is prone to piracy practices. In particular, the Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy 2022 report, also released by USTR, listed various Indonesian sites…

Trademark Application in Tonga

Tonga has its own independent registration system. Re-registration of UK marks is no longer permitted but applicants may claim priority rights in Tonga of its UK or other international application. Priority rights may be claimed within 6 months of the filing of the application in the UK/ other international jurisdiction which are members of the…

Trademark Application in Samoa

When it comes to trademark application in Samoa, there are no provisions for re-registration of foreign marks, but applicants may claim priority rights in Samoa of their trademarks registered in foreign jurisdictions. Priority rights may be claimed within 12 months of the filing of the application in the foreign jurisdiction which is a member of…

Trademark Application in Fiji

Trademark application in Fiji is either national or based on a national UK registration certificate issued by the United Kingdom Comptroller-General (and not an EU or Madrid registration). Applications for independent registration undergo examination and advertising for opposition before registration, whereas “UK-based” applications are to be registered as of right without examination, advertising or opposition.…

Panduan Pendaftaran Merek Di Eropa

Dengan semakin maraknya pemasaran produk-produk yang berasal dari Indonesia di luar negeri, maka kebutuhan untuk mendapatkan hak atas Merek dari produk-produk tersebut merupakan salah satu komponen keputusan bisnis yang tidak dapat dikesampingkan. Saat ini, negara-negara Eropa seperti Belanda, Jerman, Swiss, Perancis, dan Italia merupakan tujuan ekspor bagi perusahaan-perusahaan Indonesia. Berdasarkan pengalaman kami, maka produsen makanan…