Why Filing First is Not Enough — The Rise of Bad Faith Trademark Applications in Indonesia

Indonesia’s Trademark landscape has become increasingly challenging for legitimate brand owners in recent years. Filing your Trademark first is no longer a guaranteed safeguard against opportunists. A concerning trend has emerged: the surge of bad faith Trademark applications, commonly called Trademark squatting.   At AFFA Intellectual Property Rights, we have witnessed — and successfully countered…

Calendar Days vs Working Days: Understanding Trademark Refusal Deadlines in Indonesia - AFFA IPR

Calendar Days vs Working Days: Understanding Trademark Refusal Deadlines in Indonesia

Under Article 1 Point 22 of the Indonesian Trademark Law, the term “days” mentioned in this law refers to working days, not calendar days. However, this information can sometimes become unclear when conveyed as brief notices to IP owners or their representatives abroad. This misunderstanding often leads to incorrect expectations about the speed of application…

AFFA Represents APRIL International Enterprise Pte. Ltd. to Win a Trademark Non-Use Cancellation Action in Indonesia - AFFA IPR

AFFA Represents APRIL International Enterprise Pte. Ltd. to Win a Trademark Non-Use Cancellation Action in Indonesia

In today’s increasingly competitive business environment, Trademark protection is a key factor in maintaining a company’s identity and competitive advantage. However, Trademark registration often faces obstacles due to the existence of previously registered Trademarks that, in reality, are not being used. This was the case with PRINT ONE, where AFFA successfully represented APRIL International Enterprise…

The Walmart Wirkin VS Hermes Birkin Controversy: A Case Study in Intellectual Property Awareness - AFFA IPR

The Walmart Wirkin VS Hermès Birkin Controversy: A Case Study in Intellectual Property Awareness

The viral phenomenon surrounding Walmart’s “Wirkin” bag, which bears a striking resemblance to the iconic Hermès Birkin, has captivated social media and sparked discussions on fashion ethics, consumer behavior, and, of course, Intellectual Property. This controversy highlights the complexities of balancing accessible fashion with protecting luxury brand exclusivity. Here’s everything you need to know.  …

Indonesia in BRICS: A Golden Opportunity for Further Trademark Protection - AFFA IPR

Indonesia in BRICS: A Golden Opportunity for Further Trademark Protection

As of January 2025, Indonesia has officially joined BRICS as a full member, marking a significant milestone in its economic journey. This move is expected to enhance trade and investment among member nations, creating exciting opportunities for businesses looking to expand into the region.   BRICS, initially spearheaded by Russia, now includes Brazil, India, China,…

Fighting IP Crimes: Indonesia's IP Office Task Force Destroys IDR 5.35 Billion Worth of Counterfeit Goods! - AFFA IPR

Fighting IP Crimes: Indonesia’s IP Office Task Force Destroys IDR 5.35 Billion Worth of Counterfeit Goods!

The Indonesian Intellectual Property (IP) Task Force, a cross-ministerial special task force of the Republic of Indonesia, consists of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP), the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE), the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM), the Ministry of Communication and Digital (Komdigi), the Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim)…

Protecting a Giant: Why Godzilla Needs Both 3D Mark and Industrial Design Status

This November, one of Japan’s oldest Intellectual Property (IP) assets celebrates its 70th anniversary. First introduced as a movie in 1954, Godzilla has since starred in over 40 films and animated series, and its Trademark is protected in more than 30 countries worldwide.   As a giant mutant lizard with many variations, its likeness has…

Critical for Indonesia Importers: SNI Must Be Registered by the Trademark Owner and the Licensing Agreement Mus Be Recorded to DGIP - AFFA IPR

Critical for Indonesian Importers: SNI Must Be Registered by the Trademark Owner and the Licensing Agreement Must Be Recorded to DGIP

One of the primary requirements for obtaining a Certificate of Indonesian National Standard (SNI) is the ownership of a valid and registered Trademark with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP), whether by a domestic industrial company or a foreign producer. Products intended to be marketed in Indonesia must meet specific standards, including quality and…