AFFA IP Education Series on Youtube

AFFA Intellectual Property Rights – Indonesia & Timor Leste presents: AFFA IP Eduction: Episode 1 – Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan sebelum mengajukan permohonan pendaftaran merek di Indonesia. Please see our video on the following link on Youtube – We will be uploading more contents about Intellectual Property in Indonesia. Please subscribe and stay tuned!  #trademarklaw…

Lingkup Perlindungan Rahasia Dagang di Indonesia - AFFA IPR

Lingkup Perlindungan Rahasia Dagang di Indonesia

Rahasia Dagang merupakan resep kesuksesan bisnis dalam berbagai bidang, baik itu kuliner, IT, farmasi, maupun bioteknologi.  Tidak jarang publik selalu mencari tahu atau bahkan celah untuk mendapatkan “rahasia sukses” tersebut dengan berbagai macam cara. Atau bahkan mengklaim dan mengekspos, serta membagikan rahasia tersebut ke media sosial. Sebenarnya apa saja cakupan dan konsekuensi bagi pembocor Rahasia…

Indonesian Patent Update – New Year, New Extension of Time to Settle the Unpaid Patent Annuity

Dear friends and colleagues, The Indonesian Patent Office has announced another extension to settle the outstanding patent annuity to July 31, 2020. However, the extension is only valid for those who have previously provided an undertaking which states the commitment to pay the unpaid annuity fee. The deadline to submit the undertaking is January 31,…

Kenapa 24% Pendaftaran Merek di Indonesia Ditolak?

Berdasarkan informasi yang dilansir oleh Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual, Kementrian Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia, setidaknya ada 34 ribu permohonan Merek dari 139 ribu lebih permohonan Merek yang ditolak. Adapun alasan-alasan dari penoloakan tersebutyang paling umum adalah sebagai berikut:   1. Memiliki Persamaan Pada Pokoknya/Secara Keseluruhan Dengan Merek Terdahulu Dasar penolakan yang paling umum menurut…

INDONESIA UPDATE: Official Fees Increase as per Government Regulation No. 28 Year 2019

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has issued Government Regulation No. 28 Year 2019 which regulates the official fees for public service matters, including intellectual property matter. This sudden announcement was issued on April 29, 2019 and there are several fees that have increased, among others, patent substantive examination fees, recordal fees, patent maintenance…

INDONESIA UPDATE: Official Fees Increase as per Government Regulation No. 28 Year 2019

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has issued Government Regulation No. 28 Year 2019 which regulates the official fees for public service matters, including intellectual property matter. This sudden announcement was issued on April 29, 2019 and there are several fees that have increased, among others, patent substantive examination fees, recordal fees, patent maintenance…