FAQs: The Registration and Use of Trademark in Indonesia - AFFA IPR

Frequently Asked Questions About the Registration and Use of Trademark in Indonesia

Ownership of Marks Q: Who may apply for registration?   A: Since the Indonesian Trademark Law adopts the first to file principle, in general any individual, organisation or company can file for a Trademark Registration. However, the Trademark Law also regulates Trademark Registrations that are filed in bad faith. Article 21 paragraph (3) of the…

AFFA Represented Guangzhou Sanwich Biology Technology, Co., Ltd. in a Succesful Trademark Invalidation Action in Indonesia - AFFA IPR

AFFA Represented Guangzhou Sanwich Biology Technology, Co., Ltd. in a Succesful Trademark Invalidation Action in Indonesia

On June 11, 2024, the Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court granted AFFA IPR’s lawsuit, in this case representing Guangzhou Sanwich Biology Technology, Co., Ltd., to invalidate the SEVICH Mark with Registration Number IDM000917666, which gave a decision that the mark had similarities in essence and registered in bad faith. So, how does…

The Indonesian Constitutional Court Ruled Article 10 of the Copyright Law Unconstitutional - AFFA IPR

The Indonesian Constitutional Court Ruled Article 10 of the Copyright Law Unconstitutional

On February 29, 2024, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MKRI) decided case Number 84/PUU-XXI/2023 concerning Material Review of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright (Copyright Law) and declared Article 10 of the Copyright Law to be contrary to the 1945 State Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Constitution of Indonesia). How…

FAQs: The Legal Framework of Trademark Protection in Indonesia - AFFA IPR

Frequently Asked Questions about the Legal Framework of Trademark Protection in Indonesia

Prevailing Laws and Regulations Q: What is the primary legislation governing Trademarks in Indonesia?   A: Law No. 20 2016 on Marks and Geographical Indications (the Trademark Law) is the primary law concerning Trademark in Indonesia. Several provisions in the Trademark Law were then amended under the Law No. 11 Yeat 2000 in Job Creation,…

The Management of Royalties for Secondary Use Licenses for the Copyright of Books and/or other Written Works in Indonesia - A Closer Look at the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation Number 15 of 2024 - AFFA IPR

The Management of Royalties for Secondary Use Licenses for the Copyright of Books and/or other Written Works in Indonesia – A Closer Look at the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation Number 15 of 2024

The Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, Yasonna Laoly, has officially ratified the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation (Permenkumham) Number 15 of 2024 concerning Management of Royalties for Secondary Use Licenses for the Copyright of Books and/or Other Written Works.   What is meant by Secondary Use for…

Indonesia Adopts International Treaty for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources, and Traditional Knowledge - AFFA IPR

Indonesia Adopts International Treaty for the Protection of Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources, and Traditional Knowledge

After 11 days of intensive negotiations, the International Diplomatic Conference at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 24th, agreed on and adopted the International Treaty on the Protection of Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources, and Associated Traditional Knowledge. This is the first WIPO Treaty to address the interface between Intellectual…

Recommended Representation of FIgures for Industrial Deisgn Applications in Indonesia - AFFA IPR

Recommended Representation of Figures for Industrial Design Applications in Indonesia

Indonesian awareness of the importance of protecting Industrial Design has continued to increase in the last five years. This can be seen from the significantly increasing number of Industrial Design registrations. From 2,319 applications in 2017, it grew to 2,835 in 2019, jumped again to 2,957 in 2021, and peaked in 2022 with 3,533 applications.…