
Indonesian Discord Users Could Face 1 Billion Rupiah Fine for Streaming Anime Illegally

“Every person who unlawfully and/or without permission of the Author or Copyright holder distributes Works or their copies for Commercial Use shall be sentenced to imprisonment for up to 4 years and/or fine up to Rp 1,000,000,000.00!”   As connoisseurs of the entertainment industry, whether in music, feature films, or animated series, we certainly understand…


AFFA IPR: Your Source for Indonesia’s Patent Protection Guide Available on Lexology

We are excited to announce that AFFA Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) has contributed to Lexology, showcasing our commitment to excellence and knowledge sharing. Check out our latest article, “Patent Protection Guide in Indonesia – Getting the Deal Through.”   Lexology is a premier legal news and analysis website, delivering international legal updates, insights, and analysis.…


Nine Types of Conduct that Constitute Patent Infringement

Patent Infringement is a serious violation that can result in legal consequences for those who violate it. Various actions carried out intentionally and without rights can be categorized as Patent Infringements. The essence of these violations is the misuse of other people’s atents for commercial interests or purposes.   Actions considered Patent Infringements are regulated…