International IP Index 2024: Indonesia to catch up on IP Commercialization - AFFA IPR

International IP Index 2024: Indonesia to Catch Up on IP Commercialization

Every year, the United States Chamber of Commerce releases the “International Intellectual Property Index,” which ranks countries worldwide based on their growth in Intellectual Property, commercialization of Intellectual Property assets, law enforcement, system efficiency, and membership and ratification of international treaties. This year, Indonesia is ranked 49th out of 55 countries, or 7th from the…

AFFA Represents Inner Mongolia Kunming Cigarette Limited Liability Company for a Successful Bad-Faith Trademark Invalidation in Indonesia - AFFA IPR

AFFA Represents Inner Mongolia Kunming Cigarette Limited Liability Company for a Successful Bad-Faith Trademark Invalidation in Indonesia

On April 25 2024, the Panel of Judges at the Central Jakarta District Court issued a favourable decision for Inner Mongolia Kunming Cigarette Limited Liability Company to invalidate the “DONGCHONGXIACAO” Trademark under registration number IDM000791780 which had been registered in bad faith since May 2018 in Indonesia.   “DONGCHONGXIACAO” is a Trademark that has been…

A Win for the WIN - AFFA Represents Hongyunhonghe Tobacco for a Successful Trademark Non-Use Cancellation in Indonesia

A Win for the “WIN” – AFFA Represents Hongyunhonghe Tobacco (Group) Co. Ltd. for a Successful Trademark Non-Use Cancellation in Indonesia

When your Trademark Registration application is rejected in Indonesia, it is often due to the existence of another prior Trademark with the same elements that have been registered in the same class with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP). Since Indonesia applies the first-to-file principle, if you register the same Trademark after another Trademark…

[重要] 向印度尼西亚进口纺织品、箱包和鞋类需提供商标证书 - AFFA IPR

[重要] 向印度尼西亚进口纺织品、箱包和鞋类需提供商标证书

2024 年 3 月 10 日生效,旨在加强对商标的保护并控制市场上的产品质量,印度尼西亚共和国工业部 (Kemenperin) 开始实施对纺织品、箱包和鞋类产品进口有重大影响的新法规。2024 年第 5 号工业部长条例修正案第 23 (3) 条规定了这些产品进口的技术审查签发程序。   重大变化在于增加了进口商申请进口商识别号(API-U)时必须附加的以下文件:   印尼法律和人权部知识产权总局颁发的商标证书; 商标所有人向授权代表出具的许可协议、再许可和/或委任书的记录证明;以及 商标所有者或授权代表的进口委任书。   受影响产品 –   纺织品:纤维、长丝纱线和片状织物; –   纺织产品:地毯或其他纺织地板覆盖物、服装、服装配件和其他纺织成品; –   箱包:行李箱、钱包、书包、运动包、手提包和其他包袋; –   鞋类:鞋履、凉鞋和软皮鞋。   一般进口许可程序仍适用,贸易型进口企业需要获得一般进口商识别号(API-U)。申请程序包括一般进口商核查(VIU),随后由工业部进行技术审议(Pertek)。要获得 API-U,需要向贸易部提交 VIU 报告和 Pertek 结果。   对进口商的影响 对于尚未在印尼注册商标的进口商,这项新要求是重要提醒。 鉴于商标注册过程耗时较长(约 1-2 年),需要尽快与商标所有人沟通,以获得必要的证书,避免在获得进口许可证方面出现延误。   如需有关该法规的更多信息,包括如何在印尼注册商标,请随时通过电子邮件[email protected]与我们联系。


Unveiling Copyright Ownership in the Film Industry: Legal Perspectives

Unveiling Copyright Ownership in the Film Industry: Legal Perspectives There is still often a question among the public about who owns the copyright for a large-scale work, such as a movie. Because movies, especially feature films, involve many derivative works and other interrelated supporting works. Starting from scripts, background music, movie posters, and even a…