Why Filing First is Not Enough — The Rise of Bad Faith Trademark Applications in Indonesia

Indonesia’s Trademark landscape has become increasingly challenging for legitimate brand owners in recent years. Filing your Trademark first is no longer a guaranteed safeguard against opportunists. A concerning trend has emerged: the surge of bad faith Trademark applications, commonly called Trademark squatting.   At AFFA Intellectual Property Rights, we have witnessed — and successfully countered…

Patent Implementation in Indonesia: What happens if you don't use your Patent? - AFFA IPR

Patent Implementation in Indonesia and Its Consequences if the Patent is Not Used According to the Latest Patent Law

A registered Patent not only grants the Exclusive Right to its owner to prohibit others from using the invention but also imposes an additional obligation to implement the Patent. This obligation is regulated under Law Number 13 of 2016 concerning Patents, as well as Law Number 65 of 2024 concerning the Third Amendment to Law…

Calendar Days vs Working Days: Understanding Trademark Refusal Deadlines in Indonesia - AFFA IPR

Calendar Days vs Working Days: Understanding Trademark Refusal Deadlines in Indonesia

Under Article 1 Point 22 of the Indonesian Trademark Law, the term “days” mentioned in this law refers to working days, not calendar days. However, this information can sometimes become unclear when conveyed as brief notices to IP owners or their representatives abroad. This misunderstanding often leads to incorrect expectations about the speed of application…

Steps to Take When a Patent Application is Deemed Withdrawn in Indonesia - AFFA IPR

Steps to Take When a Patent Application is Deemed Withdrawn in Indonesia

Document completeness and compliance with regulations are crucial in the Patent registration process. If there are deficiencies in the documents or if certain requirements are not met, the Patent application may be considered withdrawn by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) in Indonesia. So, what steps should the applicant take next?   When a…

5 Steps to Avoid Copyright Issues for Your Product Illustrations - AFFA IPR

5 Steps to Avoid Copyright Issues for Your Product Illustrations

Being inspired by, imitating, modifying, or even duplicating someone else’s work without permission—whether it’s well-known or not—can lead to serious legal consequences, including up to 4 years in prison or a fine of 1 billion Rupiah!   This is because Copyright Law grants Exclusive Rights only to the Original Creator, ensuring that they alone can…

AFFA Represents APRIL International Enterprise Pte. Ltd. to Win a Trademark Non-Use Cancellation Action in Indonesia - AFFA IPR

AFFA Represents APRIL International Enterprise Pte. Ltd. to Win a Trademark Non-Use Cancellation Action in Indonesia

In today’s increasingly competitive business environment, Trademark protection is a key factor in maintaining a company’s identity and competitive advantage. However, Trademark registration often faces obstacles due to the existence of previously registered Trademarks that, in reality, are not being used. This was the case with PRINT ONE, where AFFA successfully represented APRIL International Enterprise…