Settle the outstanding annuities, or no new patent filings will be allowed – the DGIP’s latest move to ensure all debts are settled

In the past few days, the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Indonesia (the DGIP)  has sent notices to foreign patent owners with regard to the patent holders’ obligations to pay the outstanding annuities within 6 months. Failure to pay up the ‘debt’ caused by the outstanding annuities will result in the…

Ingin Mendaftarkan Merek di Amerika Serikat? Baca Ini Terlebih Dahulu

Jika Anda ingin melakukan ekspansi usaha ke Amerika Serikat, maka sangatlah penting bagi Anda untuk segera mengajukan permohonan pendaftaran Merek di Amerika Serikat. Namun sebelum Anda melakukan hal tersebut, ada beberapa pilihan yang harus diperhatikan mengenai “Filing Basis“. Di Amerika Serikat, ada 4 jenis Filing Basis yang Anda dapat pilih. Kami akan ulas masing-masing pilihan yang dapat Anda…

[LOWONGAN] Patent Scientist (Farmasi)

AFFA Intellectual Property Rights Indonesia & Timor Leste membutuhkan 1 (satu) Patent Scientist dalam bidang Farmasi yang memenuhi kriteria-kriteria di bawah ini: Lulusan Strata-1 Jurusan farmasi ; Bisa berbahasa Inggris / Bahasa Indonesia ( Fluent – written dan oral ) ; Mempunyai pengalaman  bekerja minimal 1 – 2 tahun pernah bekerja di Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual  sebagai…

Meet Us at INTA 2018 Annual Meeting in Seattle!

It is our pleasure to announce that our representative, Mr. Emirsyah Dinar, will attend the upcoming INTA Annual Meeting 2018 in Seattle, WA, the United States of America from May 19 to May 23, 2018. We would be grateful if you could indicate your preferred date and time to meet by visiting or by contacting…

Meet Us at INTA 2018 Annual Meeting in Seattle!

It is our pleasure to announce that our representative, Mr. Emirsyah Dinar, will attend the upcoming INTA Annual Meeting 2018 in Seattle, WA, the United States of America from May 19 to May 23, 2018. We would be grateful if you could indicate your preferred date and time to meet by visiting or by contacting…