Indonesia has made its way to be recognised among the top 10 countries in the world with the most Trademark filings. According to WIPOS’s report in 20222, Indonesia recorded 127.142 Trademark filings – the number is higher than Vietnam (113,079), Argentina (85,844). The Philippines (64,946), and South Africa (39,863).

This accomplishment is also complemented with a statistic which shows Indonesia as one of the countries with the highest number of Simple Patent filing with a total number of 3,249 applications. However, this number is significantly lower than China (2,852,219), Germany (10,576), Japan  (5,238), and just below Thailand by a slight margin (3,762).

This achievement is made possible by the continuous digital improvement strategized and implemented by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Indonesia (DGIP).  The DGIP also has other notable improvements that are worth mentioning, such as the automatic Trademark renewal certificate issuance, automatic Copyright recordation certificate issuance, automatic license notification issuance, and automatic Trademark registration excerpt issuance. These improvements are hoped to be in full operation from 2023 and we certainly hope these improvements will be extended to other important features of IP filings in Indonesia.

For more information about how you can protect your IP in Indonesia, please contact us at [email protected].