AFFA Intellectual Property teamed up with several colleagues from private practices in Timor Leste and Portugal to discuss Intellectual Property Protection in Timor Leste on December 1st 2017. The event was initiated by INTA and the Embassy of the United States of America in Timor Leste. The discussions were attended by several government agencies, such as the Ministry of Justice and National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), as well as local and international businesses who operate in the country.
INTA, as well as the panels, discussed the current state of the Trademark protection in Timor Leste, followed by how the collaboration can be extended to support the development of Intellectual Property Rights Protection in Timor Leste.
AFFA Intellectual Property, which has a permanent office in Timor Leste, presented the current practice in Indonesia and how Timor Leste can learn from it. The topic of Timor Leste’s interest to join ASEAN was also discussed. As you know, the introduction and hopefully the harmonization of IP law is one of the prerequisites for Timor Leste to join the ASEAN. While the Trademark Bill is not yet ready to be discussed by the Parliament, it is hoped that discussions like this will foster the importance of Intellectual Property Protection in the country.
For cautionary notices in Timor Leste, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
*image retrieved from https://tl.usembassy.gov/u-s-embassy-supports-intellectual-property-rights-protection-timor-leste/